Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sun Rays

If you have ever lived with a dog, you know that they have this uncanny way of soaking up sun rays. If you can't find your dog in the middle of winter, chances are they have found the only tiny ray of sun that has reached the entire house. Now that it is springtime in Ohio, my dog rarely leaves the spaces in my house engulfed with sun rays.

I am much like my dog when it comes to my girlfriends. I absorb any chance of seeing them, hearing their voice, or receiving a text. You see my life went from living with three other girls to living with a man and a baby boy in a matter of two years... I love my husband and adore being a stay-at-home mom, but what I dislike the most is the distance it puts between my life and my friends' lives. Even without meaning to, my life suddenly revolves someone that needs my attention 24/7. Now things got easier once he turned a year and I was no longer his only food source, but by then my girlfriends had moved and started their own careers/lives. So when I get the time, I eat up any chance I have to laugh, cry, eat, and enjoy life with my girlfriends. They bring excitement into my days that are full of changing diapers and making snacks. Their stories of boyfriends, new jobs, traveling, changing, keep me excited and I can't wait to hear more. There are splinters of moments when I feel jealous of their lives, but most of the time I just love to hear their stories and share our journeys together even if it is from afar.

I have been blessed with girlfriends that have lasted over the years, and have been through so much with them that moves, babies, jobs and boys can't get in the way of our friendship. I have been blessed with new "mom friends" who understand the rigors and struggles of taking care of children. I have learned a whole new meaning to "make new friends but keep the old" as I make my way through this stage in my life. Without those sun rays that come piercing into my life, I would be a cold, sad dog... thank goodness for the sun rays of girlfriends in my life! Thank you friends, I love you all!


  1. I love your thoughts on this one - and I want you to know I am blessed to call you a girlfriend. life is full of seasons and even when our seasons aren't all changing on the same cycle, I treasure my girlfriends too!

  2. nicely written! i've gone through the same process - it's nice to meet new mom friends and have a supportive group but you never want to lose touch with the friends that have been by your side through the years.

    hi from the MBC! love your blog!

  3. I can totally relate. I went from having a busy social life with my college friends on campus to moving to a new city an hour away with my husband. I have come out on the other end though, having connected with the other women in my young marrieds small group. It has been awesome to make friends with the other young mommies in my church. We sometimes plan trips to the zoo with our kids and stuff like that. I still get together with my college girlfriends, but now I don't feel so lonely in between those visits.
