Thursday, August 19, 2010

Not a Very Good Blogger

I have not done a very good job of keeping up with my blog this summer... I got a new part-time job and it has taken up all of my free time. I am hoping to get back into the blogging world and keep my blog a little more updated. My last blog: water, somehow the content was lost. I was trying to tell the story of how water played an important role in our summer. We did not have air conditioning all summer in our house and so water was a intregal part of our everyday life. The sprinkler, the community pool, the backyard blow-up pool, playing in the sink to cool off, spraying each other (even my husband and I) with the hose, drinking lots of it, playing with it constantly. A two year old can do so many things with water it is amazing... he would dump it, squirt it, dip in it, stomp in it, run in it (he was and is obsessed with puddles), and find every type of experiement to try with water. My water post was better written then that, but that is a quick overview of what my water post was about.

I will do my best to come up with a new post for today, but because the day is new, my child has yet to inspire me into writing mode... I'm sure it will happen shortly. Once fall is over and I am done coaching, I will be back in the blogger world much more consistently. For now, I will post when I can and hopefully they won't take my blog off again like they did during the summer.

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